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Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted since September. So much has happened since then. I finished fall semester with my 4.0 GPA again and made the Deans list for the third time. I also completed the shikomi part of my submissive geisha training at the Lore and have been promoted to the next level. I am now a miniari.
The Lore's Hanayagi is doing well and we have several new apprentice geisha who have joined us. I now have several wonderfully talented younger sisters. I had to take a bit of a medical leave for awhile though.
In January I had major surgery to remove 33 pounds of excess skin from all of the weight I have lost since having my gastric bypass in January 2005. My life has changed so drastically since then. I am no longer in a wheel chair and stuck inside. Now I am out living my life and loving every minute of it!
I am doing things I never thought I would do. Like going to school and getting a degree in Crime Scene Investigation I am also pursuing a Master's in forensic psychology. Also one day when my training is complete I will earn the right to be one of the Lore's submissive geisha. My training has changed my life I have learned so many new things and made many new friends.
If becoming a submissive geisha is something you think you may be interested in then I urge you to come and take a look at The Lore's website. The link is over on the right, :) Okasan works very hard every day to teach us the lessons we need to learn. She spends hours daily putting lessons together. I promise you you will learn alot.
It's been quite awhile since I have made a post on my blog. So much has been going on in my life now but it's all good. School has started back up again finally. The summer seemed to last forever. I have also started special training. It is submissive geisha training and I am enjoying it so very much. We joined a new wonderful place called The Lore. It is a Japanese Okiya and they have a school (a Hanayagi) to teach the ways of the submissive geisha. It is hard but nothing worthwile is ever easy. I am enjoying every minute spent at the Okiya and studying my lessons. So far on the two exams I have taken I have scored perfectly. :) I have learned so very much. I am learning the secret language of the fan, the way tea ceremonies are done, what a geisha has in her wardrobe(soooo many things)Oh and the submissive geisha positions too. There is so much to learn but i love learning. :) As for college it's going well too. I am taking Advanced Crime Scene instead of Basic Crime Scene. The instructor thought my grades are good enough that i don't need basic. (I have a 4.0 GPA) I spend most of my days studying either my shikomi lessons or my college studies. The rest is spent online at one of about four sites that i enjoy. One of my new favorites is The Lore's site you can find a link to the right. :) Please join us there. Oh and i am also doing a new task at the Org for MIstress. It is an orgasm control task. My orgasms belong to her and i must do things to earn them. such as eat properly, wear my glasses, do other tasks, say positive things about myself and also NOT bite my nails. If i lose any orgasms there will be consequences if i lose too many. I am enjoying this task very much but i always enjoy tasking for Mistress.
I am such a task-a-holic. If I'm not tasking at the org or for my Mistress I feel like I am climbing the walls. Luckily lately i have had plenty of tasks to keep me busy. One of my more recent tasks was a custom task created for me by Miss Marie. I thnk it is perhaps one of the most challenging tasks that i have done to date. LOL and it was all things I asked for. It had elements such as speech restriction, orgasm control/denial, bathroom control. pussy spanks and edges for the next day if i did not make the previous day's orgasm requirements. There was also a daily mantra and position training. It was a very intense task.
The next one i did was a task created by my wonderful Mistress *grin* I had been waiting to do it since seeing it in the task development area. Finally I got my chance and I had oh so much fun. It was Blindfold 2. A kicked up version of her first blindfold task. It had oh so much more than being blindfolded. I had so much fun with it. There was more position training and a mantra which I wrote myself to be special for Mistress. Wanting to give the task and my Mistress my all I did way more than the two positions she asked for.
The mantra and position training was only the first part of the task. There was more. *grin* I also had to while blindfolded pick two toys from a collection there were several spanking implements as well as some vibes. My luck I picked out two spanking implements one of which I love to hate, the wooden spoon. But I did get to finally have an orgasm. I hadn't had one for two days and was VERY horny. When i finally was able to have my orgasm for Mistress it was one of those really intense, grip the sheets and pull them off the bed squirting orgasms. I also stayed completely naked until receiving permission from Mistress to get dressed. Something I don't do on a normal basis as I HATE being naked.
My next two tasks were so much fun as well. One challenged my creativity in finding things around the house to spank myself with. It was such a fun challenge. The next one while maybe not much in the challenge department was just plain fun. I had to gather all of my shoes and spank each ass cheek with them. I also had to include hubby's and Mistress' shoes. I did not realize how many shoes I really have. It was alot of fun and I will always remember the task now every time I put my shoes on. LOL. Sadly now I am without a task. I am trying to wait and see if perhaps I get an assignment this time. While I do like requesting tasks it is really nice getting assignments. It just adds to that submissive feeling that I love. Well I think I have rambled enough for now.
I am starting a new task tomorrow called edge training 101. I have to confess while I am excited to be doing this task I am a bit nervous about it as well. I have never been that good at holding an edge for any length of time. I know the TM does not expect perfection She just expects me to try my best. It's me that is the problem I sometimes expect perfection from myself. I've gotten much better about this though in the past few years. I am not near as hard on myself as I used to be. I know I am going to try my absolute best on this task (as I do all of them) and that is all that is asked of me. Also as Mistress pointed out its training. So I just need to relax, do my best and enjoy. Oh and try to not get so nervous that I bite my nails because I don't want another punishment. I just want to please Mistress.....and as an added bonus have pretty(natural)nails for once in my life. :) Now if only i could figure out how to scratch my own back. ;)
For the past month I have been looking all over for pictures of royal blue collars to send to Mistress so she could select one for me. It had to be both functional and pretty since i wear it all of the time. It had to be sturdy so if Mistress gives a yank on my leash the ring doesn't fall off.
Mistress made her selection and the collar was ordered and now I wear around my neck a BEAUIFUL royal blue collar with a d ring attached at the front. It is also decorated with sparkly gems all around it. It is sooo pretty. This slave's Mistress has such good taste. She just LOVES her new collar. It even came with a rhinestone encrusted small padlock to lock it into place. For now this girl has to put it on and off herself(it only comes off during showers) but she longs for the day when Mistress will place it around her neck and lock it in place. Mmmmmm what a wonderful day that will be.
Mistress said I should post my poem for all to see so here it is folks. It is our hope that maybe by posting it that it will help someone. Innocence Lost
So young, so innocent.
Just a tender young child.
Wanting to be loved.
Wanting hugs.
Needing affection
You broke her.
Why? what did she do?
Did she hurt you?
Why did you rape her?
A young child of two.
You robbed her childhood.
You stole it away.
Like a thief who did not care.
You left a shattered little girl
One with mixed up thoughts
A little girl who thought she was bad.
Who thought she was unworthy of love.
She thought she did not deserve happiness.
All she wanted was to die, to escape.
To escape from the rape and from you.
You locked her in the closet.
Locked her there because she ran.
Hours and hours.
In that tiny little space.
You left her there all alone and scared.
That little girl is now grown.
And you are long since gone.
But your actions still haunt her.
They torment her and make her cry.
You see, that little girl still lives inside.
Though you still haunt the little girl.
You can no longer hurt her.
Slowly she is learning.
Learning she is worthy of love.
You broke her, Others have mended her.
slave debbie copyright(c) 2007
This has been one very busy weekend. Alot of fun too. Since Thursday I have done four tasks at the Org. Two of which were writing tasks for Mistress. I absolutely Love tasking for her. Not just because she is my Mistress and I love her but also she is very creative and really makes you think. One task was a story about being invited to her playroom for a surprise. It was alot of fun and I tried to just let my imagination soar. It was a great task and I really enjoyed it.
The second writing task I did for Mistress was a Favorite Poem task. I don't really read much poetry so I selected one that I wrote for another task of her's a couple years ago called Getting In Touch With Your Feelings. My poem is titled Innocence Lost and was about the abuse I suffered as a child and how he can no longer hurt me. And, even though he hurt me others have mended me. I am considering sharing it here on my blog but have not decided yet.
The third task was another one for Miss Marie. Wow this one was a challenge! Especially when combined with my fourth task. For Miss Marie's task I edged for her in the morning after saying the mantra and no more touching until i had left 12 notes in various places stating that my pleasure belongs to Miss Marie. It required a great deal of creativity but I was also extremely horny and just aching to cum. That however was not allowed until twelve notes had been placed and then with the thirteenth I wiped up some of my cum with it and left it behind in the public rest room. *blush*
The fourth one is Anal Retentive weekend and I have been wanting to perform this one for a very long time now. Doing it in combination with the other task increased my horniness by probably about ten fold. I was very aware of my submission and the tasks that were at hand. As of this post the plug is still in and will remain in until Monday morning.
As ya'll can tell I LOVE tasking. I would even call my self a bit of a task-a-holic. LOL. As soon as I complete a task I am in search of another. In fact I need to go look for another one right now. TTFN!