Thursday, March 25, 2010

So Much Has Happened

Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted since September. So much has happened since then. I finished fall semester with my 4.0 GPA again and made the Deans list for the third time. I also completed the shikomi part of my submissive geisha training at the Lore and have been promoted to the next level. I am now a miniari.

The Lore's Hanayagi is doing well and we have several new apprentice geisha who have joined us. I now have several wonderfully talented younger sisters. I had to take a bit of a medical leave for awhile though.

In January I had major surgery to remove 33 pounds of excess skin from all of the weight I have lost since having my gastric bypass in January 2005. My life has changed so drastically since then. I am no longer in a wheel chair and stuck inside. Now I am out living my life and loving every minute of it!

I am doing things I never thought I would do. Like going to school and getting a degree in Crime Scene Investigation I am also pursuing a Master's in forensic psychology. Also one day when my training is complete I will earn the right to be one of the Lore's submissive geisha. My training has changed my life I have learned so many new things and made many new friends.

If becoming a submissive geisha is something you think you may be interested in then I urge you to come and take a look at The Lore's website. The link is over on the right, :) Okasan works very hard every day to teach us the lessons we need to learn. She spends hours daily putting lessons together. I promise you you will learn alot.

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